Kill Our Demons: Mission Statement

Mission Statement Sunset

Hello there,

I’m “Developr Dale”. I’ve been working on Kill Our Demons (I’ll call it KOD here and there) for sometime now. The game started initially as a demonstration for my university dissertation (focusing on Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment - which is still present within the game!!). But the real purpose was set before the demo, and even before I had to follow specific guidelines or requirements for writing a dissertation. This game’s mission has never changed. 

This game…

It means so much to me. On a human level, I’ve experienced a lot over the last decade. Pain, suffering, mental illnesses, disadvantages, heartbreak, real loss, and many other situations and events… And aside from personal level, I’m a great observer and friend. I see (and saw!) everyone suffering from the same issues and problems I’ve dealt with. Except, I’ve known a lot of people who didn’t want to deal with their problems anymore and it saddens me deeply that they are not here today. Suicide is a real issue. 

I don’t want to seem corny or like I’m following a bandwagon. I’m just tired and angry. Tired of hearing about someone I know who took their own life. Angry at the world for allowing it. 

Suicide is one part and the other is attempted suicide - and that’s more personal because I’ve had to do some saving. Saving myself, first and foremost. I am not exempt from Mental Issues. And then Saving my Friends, secondly. Everyday I wake up feeling blessed. Everyday I reach out and check in on as many people/friends as I can.

But in turn, I don’t have the life-time to save everyone. I was greeted with my own doom last year: accidents happen. I’m blessed to still be here but it reminded me of why I have to finish this.

People play games to escape their worlds. They like to lose themselves in the theme, the story, the music. And that is why I made KOD. It’s raw, it’s deep, it’s real.

Escape your world and come into mine. I handcrafted this world to be perfect. Only thing is, I’m going to teach you how to Kill OUR Demons. And they are OUR demons because the same ones you face, I have faced and still continue to do so. And if you aren’t winning, I’m not winning. This isn’t a You vs Them mental war. It is US vs THEM. Togetherness. I wish I could’ve introduced Multiplayer and Voice-chat just for that extra layer on top. But who knows what the future holds?

But for now, KOD is about helping people escape their world, welcome them into my Brain Melting Experience and to teach them something useful. I don't like to say this game is Educational but it’s definitely contemporary. 

My personal goal for this game is to help at least 1 person. I’d be happy. Going forward,  I’m going to try and cook up a little partnership or dedication to a charity / cause soon. Maybe even fundraise the game to donate to mental health charities. 

Welcome to Kill Our Demons. 

Files 478 MB
Sep 30, 2023

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